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The opportunity to study at Florida International University has been one that I am incredibly grateful for. I knew that coming to FIU would be a unique experience for it's incredible education as well as it's positive outlook on diversity and culture. I have made countless friends all coming from different backgrounds. For example, while attending the Studying Abroad Banquet I was introduced to Kano, a Japanese student studying abroad at FIU. My experience studying abroad and immersing myself in a culture foreign to me helped develop my cultural sensitivity so that I could help Kano navigate her way through American culture.  Being a part of FIU and the Global Medallion system has given me countless opportunities to further expand my knowledge on worldly issues as well as being able to immerse myself into these kinds of situations through volunteering and networking at events. For example, one opportunity that made an impact on my learning was the "Silent Victims of Crime" information session. As a psychology major interested in working with children I had no idea that there was a non-profit dedicated to assisting children of inmates. This program has opened up my perspective on this and has given me insight on a possible career path for my future. It had always been my dream to become someone who studies people and culture and now I can say confidently that my dream has become a reality. 


I hope to bring with me this new sense of perspective to my future career to further educate and inspire those who have the same tenacity as I do. I hope to incorporate change socially as well as attain new information through research so that one day we can all learn to understand one another better. 

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